Сначала гражданин другого государства должен убить тебя. Ты жалуешся своему правительству, и тебе выдают каперский патент. Убийства безнаказанны, репа у того государства ессно падает.
Это был вольный перевод вот этого:
Privateer: If you want to become a Privateer, the process will be a bit troublesome. According to Navigation Law, the privateer should be a victim----had ever been plundered by the player from other country and grip the evidence of his guilt. If you satisfy these requirements, you can apply for a Privateering License. With the Privateering License, you will be allowed to plunder any ship in your enemy’s country to fetch up your lost. However, it’s necessary to remind you that your Amity Degree with that country will decrease and the player you plundered will have the opportunity to apply for the Pirvateering License to your country as revenge.